Saturday, September 23, 2006

New "challenge 1: afro kyle" submission!

Alright!! :) We just got a great submission from Chris Reed for the "AfroKyle" photoshop challenge!

Please check Chris' site here:

Thanks Chris!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Photoshop Challenge #2: Mark "Stingy" Ng!

Nothing like a picture of ol' Marky! The original:

Alright 'choppers, get to work and let me see wha you can do! :)
Email your versions of this pic
(Please put "Photoshop Challenge 2" in the subject line.)

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Photoshop Challenge #1: A Blast From the Past--Afro Kyle!

So the subject for this week's Photoshop Challenge is the classic "Afro Kyle" pic. This dates a few years back to the forums... I just couldn't get enough of Kyle (GodZilla) in that afro wig!! Bwahahaha!

Here's the original:

So grab it and run with it! Give your best 'chop and email it to me at:
Put a note in the email about your site and I'll give you a plug! (Remember to keep it [somewhat] clean!). At the end of the week, I'll post the results, and pick a winner!

Now, the reason I say this is a "blast from the past" is because the afro kyle pic is no stranger to photoshop. Here was the hilarity (too much free time?) that followed on the forums:

Now get started and have fun! :)